Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Hey! That Was Mine!

One time I had a discussion with some fellow film majors about how, even though regular people die tragically every day, the world would probably be more upset if somebody were to bomb, say, the Oscars.  Who would be in movies?  What kind of people would we obsess over?  I know, it's a sad thought. (There are two thoughts I could be referring to.  Although it would be sad if every actor was killed, it's also sad that the world might care more about that than the people already dying.)  BUT what came out of this discussion was an idea.  What would the world do if all the actors died?

I didn't develop the idea a whole lot, but I did get to the point where I thought it might make an interesting movie in one way or another.

Except then I saw a trailer for a movie called "This Is The End" and now I'm feeling like somebody ripped-off my brain.  Only I could have done it better.  Probably not, but I still get the feeling they're not doing it right:

don't even watch the link I included just now

It's not like this is the first time this has happened.  I got the same feeling when I first heard "Viva La Vida" by Coldplay, although that may have just been Deja Vu or the fact that they ripped off some other song.

One time I had an idea for a movie where a team goes together into a man's dream, where they go into another dream and another dream, and at the end it's unclear whether they're still in a dream or not.  Also Joseph Gordon-Levitt was there.

I didn't think of that.

One time I had this super hilarious idea that was so incredibly funny, I had to write it down so I would never forget it.  I wrote down "red box ninja" and now I don't know what it means.  I do know, however, that this doesn't have anything to do with my red box theory.  I have this theory that some day in the near future, red boxes are going to sprout arms and legs and machine guns and take over the world.  It wouldn't even be that hard!  I mean, they're EVERYWHERE!!

If anyone steals this idea and makes it into a movie or a short story I will give up on life.  And love.

One time I built a snowman.  His name was Petey, and this doesn't have much to do with stealing ideas, except for that what happened to Petey explains how I feel inside.

 Literally one hour later

Also one time I felt like going to Denny's and then all of a sudden my friend was like, "Let's go to Denny's!"  Needless to say, I got offended and this person is no longer my friend.

I suppose I shouldn't be too bitter.  I've probably inadvertently stolen someone else's idea before.  It's not like being uncomfortably awkward was an original idea.  But here I sit, living someone else's idea.  I wonder if this person feels like Petey.

Anyway, I'm supposed to be writing a research paper about Tina Fey right now.  Which is actually pretty awesome but it's still a research paper.

Here's an incredibly beautiful arrangement of one of my all-time favorite songs by my favorite band Bastille, which was started by Dan Smith who has great hair.

Monday, May 13, 2013

A Midnight Montage of Musical Madness

For the first time ever, I decided to take classes during Spring and Summer.  Turns out that during spring term (since classes are accelerated) they don't give you that two-week-long "get your brains in gear" grace period.  They load you up starting day one.

First day of class.

So it was for this reason I found myself pulling an all-nighter within the first week of school.

If you know me at all, you know that I have a super hard time focusing for long periods of time (if at all) and I get distracted very easily.  You would also know that I procrastinate as much as possible.  You would probably also know that I love TV.  I get hooked on television shows like those people who get addicted to stinging themselves with bees.  Wait.  That was just one lady I saw on an advertisement for a TV show called "My Strange Addiction" which I will never watch.  Anyway, I had recently become infatuated with "Community" and I spent all the time I should have used for homework watching 1200 episodes of it in three days.


As I finished the billionth episode and looked at the clock, I realized it was 4 o'clock in the morning and my project was due in six hours.  I tried working on it, but all that happened were several failed attempts where I ended up in the kitchen questioning my existence. 

I swear on my love for lemon bars that I tried.  I tried so hard to make myself work, but my brain did not want to concentrate.  I know this is something that not everyone will understand...but I was not physically capable of concentrating that night.

I was beyond frustrated with myself, and I didn't want this semester to be a repeat of the last one (where I miraculously squeaked out acceptable grades after slacking off for too long).  I locked myself in the bathroom.  I don't know why I did this, probably for privacy, even though everyone else was asleep.  I sat in the bathroom and cried.  Crying is not something I do very often, but I'm human, too, dangit!  I cried for a long time and then I prayed a little as well.

I made sure to compose myself before coming out of the bathroom.

"THIS IS IT," I thought, and I sat down at my computer.  I clicked "play" on one of my gigantic playlists and let Spotify pick a song at random.

Except it probably wasn't random.

The song that played was "Be Still" by The Killers.  Talk about an inspiring song.  Geez, my life could be a Romantic Comedy infused with dramatic themes but minus the romance. (Dramedy.  I think I mean Dramedy.)  I sang along with some of the lyrics at the top of my whisper-voice,



And then I did my project.  All of it.  Thank you, Brandon Flowers.

I went to class and turned it in.  Then, because I had slept for 90 minutes and hadn't showered, I decided to go straight home.  In my rush to avoid further human interaction, I prematurely crossed the street, stopped traffic, and got hit by a bike.  The guy on the bike was some sort of super polite Irish hipster.  (I tried to find a picture, but apparently this particular culture of people are too cool for the internet.)  We were both fine.

When I got home it was past noon.  I ate one pudding cup and called it breakfast.  Then I had another pudding and called it lunch.  Then I had a handful of Raisin Bran and called it justification.

Next thing I know there are two or three maintenance guys in my apartment, and I was trapped in my bedroom with a bit of mud-masky goop on my face pants.  I was just hoping nothing in my room needed to be fixed.  I pretended to be asleep a few times when I thought they might be coming in, but I was ready for anything.  I didn't notice until much later, but I was essentially the mom character that you see in the grocery stores on TV shows:

What am I turning into??

Nothing happened, and they eventually left.  I seized this opportunity to take a nap.

I was so tired I could have slept for days, but I watched another episode of Community first.

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Short Stories: Part 1

     I've decided to write a series of short (very short) stories.  This post includes the first installment of these stories.  As it turns out, they're all true and they're all about me.  Woops.  Anyway, we'll see how this goes.

"Why am I getting a notification in this, the darkest hour?" she wondered aloud.  Then she saw it was eight o'clock and she'd been up all night.
-April 2

Her heart became a hummingbird because she had eaten powdered sugar, so she walked around a lot with nothing to do.
-April 6

The thing that excited her most about the upcoming road trip was the opportunity to make mix CD's.  She thought about that instead of her finals.
-April 11

As she told a story about the amount of sleep she was getting, she realized those were the only stories college students ever told, and she was tired of them.
-April 11

As she filled the smoothie machines, she imagined what it would feel like if they all exploded and covered her in slush.  She welcomed the thought.  Instead, her supervisor came and informed her that she'd won a free lunch for cleaning so well.
-April 15

She didn't want to throw the orange peel away because she had removed it in one piece, but she couldn't keep it forever.  She said a little eulogy as she tossed it in the trash.
-April 22

End note:  I illustrated these and intended to include the illustrations....but I'm a horrible artist, so I threw them away instead.

Also, I realize these are incredibly boring.  It's experimental.


This post is merely for bragging purposes, and there's nothing you can do about it.  HA.

Last weekend I went to California and it was fun.  So there, my weekend beats yours.

That's it, that's all I wanted to say.  Lucky for you, this (painful? probably) post is short.



P.S.  Sometimes I am literally so overwhelmed by how much I love my friends, my heart physically hurts.

Second P.S.  I got my first speeding ticket!