Friday, September 27, 2013

Blogger's Block

Hey there.

I realize I haven't posted in a while.  That's because I've been working through a really tough thing called "Blogger's Block."  Don't ask any questions, it's a super sensitive topic.

Anyway, the major symptom is feeling like I have nothing to write about.  Another symptom is barfing.  Probably.  I haven't actually experienced that one yet.

I talked to an expert, and she said the best way to cure the block is to post something on my blog, even if I don't feel good about it.  That's why what you are about to read is complete crap.  You know what?  Don't even read it.  You might be the one barfing if you do.


I see you didn't take my advice.  Very well.  Don't say I didn't warn you.  Or threaten you with severe digestive discomfort.

This had been my life lately:

(I meant to draw attention to the complicated nature of this photo, but now all I'm seeing is the Death Star, which might also be a very accurate representation of my life recently.  I'll let you figure that one out.)

For one thing, I'm getting mixed messages all over the place.  Well, not really, but the juxtaposition of these photos did cause quite the existential crisis:

I emailed the second picture to myself.  The email read, "Don't let this pic fool you.  You are your own best friend."  I've actually been emailing myself a lot since school started.  It feels pretty good.  The following is straight-up copy/pasted from an email two weeks ago:

Heeeeey there.

It's real awkward in this computer lab.  But you rock and you finished this paper like a boss.  Now eat some smelly crackers and print your paper.

Go watch Singin' in the Rain.  You deserve it.



Hmm.  Yes.

I guess it's good that I'm writing this blog post.  I've had a lot of things to say lately, but Twitter is too restrictive and Facebook is too annoying (I keep saying I hate Facebook, but that's a lie based on how much time I spend on the dang thing).  I came this close to posting a few things.  Lucky for you, I didn't.  Even more lucky for you, I'm about to go crazy here, on my personal blog and therapeutic outlet. 

Get your game face on.

1.  Yesterday I deleted/organized my emails.  All 3,851 of them.  Then I had night cereal because I deserved it.

2.  At least 80% of all status updates I've ever seen are about the weather.  It's like Facebook small talk, except with Facebook there isn't a social obligation to say anything.  At all.  Stop it.

3.  I'm hilarious on Twitter.  Not really, but pretty please follow me anyway @AmyLouHilton.

4.  You know the buttons you push at crosswalks to get the walk signal?  I never push them an even number of times because I convinced myself it will cancel out my walking request.

5.  I have a lot of celebrity doppelgangers.  You remember THIS, right?  Well I've started getting a new one:  
Emma Stone

6.  Can you tell I just learned how to put links in my blog?  I'm excited about it, too.  As a matter of fact, I'm about to do it again.  HA.

7.  My cousin read THIS one and told me that he, too, thinks about the names printed on milk jugs.  He always thought they were the names of the cows that gave the milk, but realized that doesn't make sense because boy cows do not make milk.

8.  This post is like one of those episodes of a sitcom where they reminisce about things that happened in other episodes.  Also, I'm obsessed with television.  Good thing I work for a broadcasting company.

9.  I ran out of things to say.

10.  This is the end of the post.

11.  Wait, seriously.  Go home.

12.  Why are you still here?  I was about to take off my pants.

13.  Fine.  You know what?  The pants are coming off whether you like it or not.  I'm tired.

14.  Feeling awkward?  GOOD.  Now maybe you'll leave.

15.  Furreels?

16.  Look, you're not making this easy for me.

17.  Get!  Get outta here, you old dirty stray!  I never wanted you here in the first place!

Kbai Luv you!


  1. This is hilarious. Your comment regarding crosswalks reminds me of a conversation I had with a friend via text. Here is the transcript if you have nothing better to do with your time:

    Me: Notice whenever you come to a crosswalk and you push the walk button first, the person on the other side of the road (seeing that you pushed the button, mind you) will ALWAYS still push the button. Always! Without fail! Everyday this happens to me. I don't think people trust technology.

    Andrew: I don't trust technology. One minute it's crosswalk signals, then Skynet is up and running.

    Me: You have a point.

    Andrew: And not just the guy on the other side, but the one who walks up behind you and presses it three seconds after you did.

    Me: We should do a science fair project on this one.

    Andrew: And when they push the button fifty brajillion times. As if the robot overlords care about our impatience.

    Me: I am alone and am seriously laughing out loud right now. On the same note, people never press the walk button only once because they believe just once may not register to the aforementioned robot overlords, resulting in fear that their turn to walk will be skipped. Therefore, at least 3 punches will usually suffice for the common human.

    Andrew: Then no one will be able to hear your screams...

    Me: Oh, the human drama of crosswalks. I should make a short film about it.

    1. Hahahahaha! I love it. And I'm glad I'm not the only person who gets stressed out by crosswalk signals haha.
