Thursday, October 9, 2014

The Real World

I've recently found myself in situations where unkindness is justified with an excuse like, "I'm just preparing you for the real world," or a sarcastic comment like, "Welcome to the real world." I am an incessantly happy person, but this makes me sad. I don't want to live in a world where people are anything but kind to one another, and I'm going to do something about it.

The world will tell you that to "make it in the real world" you need to be demanding and rude and self-centered. Nobody will say it directly like that, but we've all learned it at some point. And that obviously sounds horrible, but the problem is that the world is not wrong. To be successful, statistically speaking, you will need to spend an awful lot of time not helping others in order to help yourself. But I'm not talking about statistics, I'm talking about humans. Human beings with dreams and feelings.

I have a religious background, but this is not a religious argument. I'm not arguing for this, that, or the other belief. What I'm arguing for here is humanity, of which we are all a part.

Just be kind.

Some people will read this and dismiss it because they think I'm an ignorant fool. To that, I say this:  I wish I was. I wish I was blissfully unaware of all the awful happenings in the world. I wish I didn't have to hear the unkind words spoken between friends and strangers. I have plenty of reasons to be unhappy. But I choose not to be. I'm perfectly capable of being unkind. But I try not to be.

Just. be. kind.

There's a difference between nice and kind.  Nice is polite, nice is manners, and nice can be something you use to get what you want.  But kindness is selflessness fueled by a care and respect you have for another person.  It's genuinely showing interest and helping a person out.

Quit going into a conversation wondering if you'll get a date.  Stop listening to others' opinions and wondering when you'll get the chance to prove them wrong.  Don't assume anything.  Ever.

Please, please, please.  Be kind.

This isn't me trying to stand on a pedestal and shout and beg for world peace.  I can't change the world, and I don't intend to.

Worldwide kindness sounds all fine and dandy, but ranting on the internet and asking you to agree isn't going to get anyone anywhere.  This post isn't directed at the world, it's not directed at any country, profession, religion, race or age.  It's not even directed at you.

I'm talking to myself. Because I haven't been as kind as I'm capable of, and I need to fix that.

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