First of all, I had three different celebrations. Wait, I've totally done that before. It's great.
Secondly, I did something twice last week that I've never done before, and somehow it's turned into a birthday tradition. On Tuesday it was my friend's birthday, and he decided he wanted all of us to write down something we didn't like about ourselves so we could burn it. We combined our scraps of paper and made an effigy, which we burned. It felt good.
We decided to make this a birthday tradition. Then it was my birthday on Saturday. We decided to take things up a notch. Along with four of the coolest people I know, I went out to Utah Lake to burn a second effigy. We drove for a while on a dirt road until we felt like we were away from the world, and then we walked out onto the frozen lake. The fog was such that you could look towards the middle of the lake and see nothing but white. We were floating. We were flying. Just the five of us. Burning these things we didn't like about ourselves was freeing.
I think I like this new birthday tradition
The following pictures are for these reasons:
1. I like making people laugh.
2. Since turning 21 four days ago, I've been thinking a lot about how I got to be who I am. These pictures might help others understand.
3. This last year has taught me that it doesn't matter what I look or act like. I'm freaking awesome and I always have been, I just didn't used to know it.
(Current picture of me)
Ooof. Growing up is hard. I think it's safe to say, however, that I got progressively less awkward. Boy, was that one crazy journey. It was great then, but I'm glad to be passed all that. I'm loving life the way it is right now!
I normally try and end things on a happy note, but I'm going to turn that around this time. I know this is going to make everyone feel despondent, but that's what happens to me every year after my birthday. Do you know why? Because after my birthday, it's FEBRUARY.
I hate February.
It's a really good thing I'm good at being happy. This month is going to put my happy skills to the absolute test.
Just kidding, I'll end this on a happy note. Look at this picture:
This is me and my brother. I was 16.
Feel free to refer to us as Batman and Robin.
This post is a little ramble-y and annoying. Sewry aboot it, eh?